Windows 10 Preview Nokia Lumia 930 smartphone

2020年5月13日—Cansomeonehelpmewiththisasthenormalmethodofupdatingbypressingcheckforupdatehasrepeatedlysaidtherearenoupdatesavailable ...,2017年10月16日—WhenNokiaLumia930willgetOFFICIALWindows10(notInsiderone)?AndwhythisflagshipiswiththeoldWindows...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nokia Lumia 930 how do i update to windows 10?

2020年5月13日 — Can someone help me with this as the normal method of updating by pressing check for update has repeatedly said there are no updates available ...

Nokia Lumia 930 Windows 10 official update?

2017年10月16日 — When Nokia Lumia 930 will get OFFICIAL Windows 10 (not Insider one)? And why this flagship is with the old Windows 8.1.

Windows 10 Technical Preview comes to more Lumia phones

2015年4月10日 — Good news! The latest Windows 10 Technical Preview supports more Lumia smartphones. Is yours on the list?

Buggy Windows 10 Preview sent out OTA to Nokia Lumia ...

2015年7月17日 — According to a report published in Greece, a Nokia Lumia 930 received a surprise OTA update to a preview build of Windows 10 Mobile.

Windows 10 preview will soon be available for many more ...

2015年3月28日 — Microsoft opened up its Windows 10 Technical Preview to Windows Phone users last month, but only a scant few Lumia devices were supported.


2020年5月13日—Cansomeonehelpmewiththisasthenormalmethodofupdatingbypressingcheckforupdatehasrepeatedlysaidtherearenoupdatesavailable ...,2017年10月16日—WhenNokiaLumia930willgetOFFICIALWindows10(notInsiderone)?AndwhythisflagshipiswiththeoldWindows8.1.,2015年4月10日—Goodnews!ThelatestWindows10TechnicalPreviewsupportsmoreLumiasmartphones.Isyoursonthelist?,2015年7月17日—Accordingtoareportpublished...